First Day: Love of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament
St John Bosco, who loved Christ in the Blessed Sacrament so deeply and spread that love to so many, help me to understand this mystery of God’s love for us, that I too may find, in frequent attendance at Mass and Holy Communion and in visits to the Blessed Sacrament, comfort and strength throughout my life and at the hour of my death.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
Let us pray:
God our Father, it was your will that through the intercession of
the Virgin Mary, St John Bosco should raise up new families in
the Church who would work for the salvation of young people;
grant, we pray you, that we too, burning with the same fire of
love, may seek souls and serve you alone, through Christ our
Lord. Amen.
Second Day: Devotion to Our Lady
St John Bosco, you had so enduring a love of Our Lady, Help of Christians, ever your Mother and Guide. Help me to share this deep and lasting love for Mary. May I experience her powerful help and protection throughout my life and have her at my side at the hour of my death.
Glory be to the Father… Let us pray… God our Father…
Third Day: Loyalty to the Church and the Pope
St John Bosco, you had a deep love for the Church and an unswerving loyalty to the Pope. Help me to be a faithful member of the Catholic Church, proud of my faith and ever loyal and obedient to the Holy Father, the vicar of Christ, and to the bishops and priests who share his authority.
Glory be to the Father… Let us pray… God our Father…
Fourth Day: For the Young
St John Bosco, you had a generous and practical love for the young. For so many of them you were father and guide, working for them with heroic sacrifice. Young people are especially dear to our Saviour. Help us, too, to work for them with a holy and generous love and to see in each one of them the person of the young Christ growing up in Nazareth.
Glory be to the Father… Let us pray… God our Father…
Fifth Day: For Salesian Priests, Brothers and Sisters
St John Bosco, you founded the Salesian Society and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians to continue your work for youth. I pray that all these priests, brothers and sisters may be filled with your spirit, your zeal, your love and joy, and so inspire other young people to follow them.
Glory be to the Father… Let us pray… God our Father…
Sixth Day: For Salesian Cooperators
St John Bosco, in order to deepen Faith and Charity in the world and spread your work for youth, you started a third family, the Salesian Cooperators. May they be strong, fervent, apostolic Christians, supporting your work and spreading a love of Christ in their homes and among young people.
Glory be to the Father… Let us pray… God our Father…
Seventh Day: For Missionaries
St John Bosco, your zeal for the Salvation of young people could not be kept within narrow frontiers. You sent your Salesian sons and daughters to the ends of the earth. From heaven intercede for all Missionaries, that their work may be blessed. Obtain for me a zeal like yours, that in working with generosity and enthusiasm for the salvation of others, I may save my soul.
Glory be to the Father… Let us pray… God our Father…
Eight Day: For Purity
St John Bosco, by God’s grace you preserved within yourself an overwhelming love for purity and preached it by word and example. You led Dominic Savio to holiness while he was still a schoolboy. Obtain for me the grace to be pure of heart and so through my own way of life to let others see the joy of life in friendship with Christ.
Glory be to the Father… Let us pray… God our Father…
Ninth Day: For Family, Friends and those in Need.
St John Bosco, you had a heart full of compassion when you saw people suffering or in need. Obtain for me, for my family and loved ones, the blessing of Mary Help of Christians and all the graces we need. Pray especially that our families my be united in peace and harmony in this life and be gathered together with you in the joy of praising God for ever in heaven.
Glory be to the Father… Let us pray… God our Father…
Prayer to St John Bosco to obtain favours
St John Bosco, full of confidence I turn to you, asking you to intercede for me. Help me to lead a good and happy life. May I always be a help to others, avoid sin and die a happy death. Bring down the blessings of God on all those in my thoughts and prayers now, and obtain for me the special graces which I now ask… I trust in His love and mercy to grant what He knows is best for me.
St John Bosco, send us good and holy priests and religious and grant perseverance to those who are preparing to offer their lives to God. Amen.
St John Bosco, pray for us.
Salesians of Don Bosco
Thornleigh Salesian House
Sharples Park