(to be recited every day of the novena)
Glorious Virgin and Martyr greatly loved by God, Saint Philomena, I rejoice with you for the power that God has given you for the glory of His name, for the building of His church and to honour the merits of your life and your death. I delight in seeing you so pure, so generous, so faithful to Jesus Christ and to his Gospel, so magnificently rewarded in heaven and on earth, drawn by your example to practise virtue, full of hope because of all the rewards conceded to your merits I propose to imitate you by avoiding sin and obeying God completely. Help me o Great Saint by your powerful intercession. Grant me above all an inviolable purity for ever, an indomitable spirit against all evil, the generosity to deny nothing to deny no sacrifice to God and a love as strong as death for the faith of Jesus Christ for the holy Roman Catholic Church and for the Pope, the Father of all the faithful, Shepherd of shepherds and of sheep, vicar of Jesus Christ throughout the world, to these graces that I now ask for with all the ardour of my soul O Saint Philomena, I add even more graces, which I am confident that through your powerful intersession will be granted me.
(State with simplicity, trust and humility that graces that you desire from the Saint)
No, the good God for whom you shed your blood and gave your life, the good God who is so lavish with you, and through you of his gifts and favours the good God who loved me so much as to die for me, and who gives himself to me through the Eucharist, no, he will not say no to your prayers to my wishes, he surely feels the need to help us. I fervently hope so; I put all my trust in him and in you.
Consider that Saint Philomena was a virgin. A virgin in this world… a virgin despite persecution… a virgin until death. What an example! What is the reason of my confusion? What is the remedy?
Humiliate yourself often for what has caused you shame, pondering on her virginal purity.
Assist at Holy Mass in her honour and pray to one of her statues or pictures.
Consider that Saint Philomena was and remained a virgin… because she repressed the corrupt desired of the flesh…, she retained the modesty of Jesus Christ she avoided the deceiving world and dangerous occasions. Do you imitate here in all these ways? What are the causes of your temptations…of your weaknesses… of your unease…of your downfall? Try to eliminate them.
Shun what has harmed you; practice what you have neglected to do in regards to chastity.
Consider that Saint Philomena maintained and increased her love for virginity with prayer, a great source of spiritual life; with the sacraments; the soul is washed with the blood of Christ, and is nourished with his sacred body, divine origin of Christian virginity considering that her members were the members of Jesus Christ and her body was the temple of the holy spirit. Have you not all these means also? What use do you make of them?
Double the fervour of your prayers, every now and them repeat to yourself: my members are those of Jesus Christ the temple of the Holy Spirit
(Holy mass etc.. as first day)
Consider that Saint Philomena was a martyr… that she suffered… she suffered a lot… suffered until death, and she showed in these moments of torment and invincible patience…are suffering and patience inseparably connected in you? Do you rarely suffer…suffer very little…never enough to die because of it…where does this weariness come from? Would you not like to make some changes?… in which way would you obtain this?
Accept with patience the few discomforts, obstacles and difficulties that it pleases the lord to send you today.
Assist at Holy Mass in her honour and pray to one of her statues or pictures.
Consider that Saint Philomena was a martyr for Jesus Christ …they wanted for take her faith away…they wanted her to transgress her Baptismal vows…induce her to follow the examples of the idolaters and apostate. What does the devil, the world, the flesh and your heart want from you if not the same unfaithfulness? They are offensive to God… is it not vain fear that makes you betray your faith, stops you from fulfilling your duties? My God what disgraceful laxity! Find the necessary courage…
Gain the respect of a fellow human being, say to yourself occasionally it is better to be pleasing to God rather than to a Man.
Assist at Holy Mass in her honour and pray to one of her statues or pictures.
Consider that Saint Philomena when she died for Jesus Christ followed this rule made by our Saviour: “if you do not love me more that your father and your mother, even more than you love yourself then you cannot be my disciple.” She did not hesitate… she sacrificed everything, even though blood and nature made themselves heard. In less difficult situations are we worthy of Jesus Christ? If at times when we have to choose between God and Man, Between Grace and Nature, who do we choose? Oh! Let us in the future respect our dignity as children of God and disciples of Jesus Christ.
Let us try today to please only god or other beings, always and solely for God. Keep far from confused affections.
Assist at Holy Mass in her honour and pray to one of her statues or pictures.
Consider that Saint Philomena when she died for Jesus Christ had to tolerate the mockery, the abuse of her persecutors, of her executioners and most of the spectators of her torture. She was very generous very constant, very cheerful when publicly declaring her faith… if the world offered you a similar chalice to drink would you have enough courage to devour the jestings the scorn the most unjust persecutions,.. can he who is honoured by God be dishonoured? Have no fear…follow your path…it will end with the gaining of eternal glory.
Do not allow anger into your heart, if something is said abruptly, coarsely, sharply, insultingly etc…
Assist at Holy Mass in her honour and pray to one of her statues or pictures.
Consider that Saint Philomena by dying for love of Jesus Christ entered eternal life full of joy “yes I am certain” she would say form the bottom of her heart ” that the supreme Judge will give me in exchange for the worldly good that I have sacrificed to his love, the Crown of justice that he had promised me.” She dies…and here she is in the tabernacle of God with the Saints to follow the Lamb… are these the thoughts that I try to have when I have to make a sacrifice? What impression do they make on my soul? To which side do the scales tilt? Ah! The Saints to obtain all would say: let us leave all what will I say?
Let us decide on a voluntary sacrifice for today…Let us with pleasure fulfil all our duties etc…
Assist at Holy Mass in her honour and pray to one of her statues or pictures.
Consider that Saint Philomena in this unworthy world sacrificed all for Jesus Christ, receiving in return in this world directly from him a hundred fold of what she had renounced to. What power! What Glory! How much grandeur humiliated at her feet, how many pilgrims at all her sanctuaries. How many festivities in her honour. What tributes of veneration are offered to her, what agitated zeal to collect her relics. In this way God fulfilled his promises. Eh! If only we kept our promises to him with such faithfulness! But by taking away his Glory do we not deprive ourselves of many favours and merits in this world and in the next? So courage…be loyal…so that God will be loyal with you.
Today perform and act of mercy in honour of the Saint. Prepare yourself with a good confession to receive Our Lord Jesus Christ worthily.
Assist at Holy Mass in her honour and pray to one of her statues or pictures.
Oh God among the miracles of your power you also donated to the weaker sex the victory of martyrdom help us who celebrate the birth of the blessed Philomena your virgin and martyr with her examples to you we come.
Through Christ Our Lord