THE JOYFUL MYSTERIES (Mondays and Saturdays)
1. The Annunciation
Reflection The Annunciation is a symbol of humility, of submission to the will of God. As Mary must have struggled with her own puzzlement at the angel's annunciation, her response melted into total acceptance of God's will, through her prayer. Through her appearances on earth, in this century, is she proclaiming our own annunciation? She asks for our submission to God. Prayer Intention Our Lady has always spoken of the great sin in the world; a world composed of pride and ego, that feels it no longer has need for God. She would want us to pray for humility, for submission to God's will. Let us offer this first decade of the rosary, in reparation; in reparation for all who revolt against God's will, against the call of their own conscience. Let us pray especially for the Church, for all bishops, priests and all those in religious life that they might serve God with humility and imitate Mary, the "Model of the Church, the Mother of the Church." 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory Be and the Fatima Prayer All: May the Grace of this Mystery Come down into My (our) soul(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.THE VISITATION Reflection Mary came to Elizabeth, to visit with her relative. She came with a stirring message concerning the nearness of Our Saviour. The Incarnation of the Word was upon us. Is she visiting with us again? Giving us the same message? She, along with her Son, and her Spouse, the Holy Spirit, visit with us everyday. Do we respond as she did, by opening our hearts, our wills, to God? Listen to Mary's prayer of praise to God, "The Magnificat.' Prayer Intention Let us pray this decade in thanksgiving; in thanks to God for coming to us through Mary. For greater recognition of her role, her acceptance to God's will. 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory Be and the Fatima Prayer All: May the Grace of this Mystery Come down into My (our) soul(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. THE BIRTH OF JESUS Reflection He is with us. The word was made flesh and now Jesus Christ is with us. What impact does that have on us today? He came not as a king, or a ruler, but as a poor infant, born in a manger, accompanied by shepherds. And to such humble beginnings, every knee must bend. What gifts do we bring? He is still with us, in all things, in all lives, the Prince of Peace. What gifts do we give? Bring joy, bring love and praise Give your heart. Give your trust as Joseph did. Prayer Intention Let us pray for families, for guidance and grace to imitate the Holy Family. Let us pray for all parents and all those who care for the young. Let us pray especially for the gift of life and all those who cherish it; for parents that they will lead their children closer to God. Let us pray for the unborn and in reparation for those who rob the unborn of the gift of life 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory Be and the Fatima Prayer All: May the Grace of this Mystery Come down into My (our) soul(s) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. THE PRESENTATION IN THE TEMPLE Reflection Mary and Joseph, in compliance with the laws of their land, brought the infant Jesus to the temple for consecration to God the Father. She is still presenting Him to us, everyday. Offering her Son everyday to us, through the Mass, through His graces, His blessings. She also attempts to present us to God everyday; to dress us in holiness, goodness, obedience and humility for presentation to her Son. All of her appearances on earth have attempted to do just that. In this decade Mary's coming sorrows are revealed; for her Son, Jesus, and now for us. Prayer Intention Let us pray this decade for Mary's intentions. That all of her children may accept her role as intercessor in preparing us to be worthy of presentation to her Son, Our Saviour. And let us offer here, our personal intentions asking for Mary's intercession, and our own submission to God's will. 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory Be and the Fatima Prayer All: May the Grace of this Mystery Come down into My (our) soul(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. THE FINDING IN THE TEMPLE Reflection Mary and Joseph searched in sorrow for three days before they experienced the joy of finding Jesus. What anguish there must have been over the lost child, over what might have happened to him. She is still searching today for all of her lost children. Do we see in this event, an example of the constant need to search for the lost? Prayer Intention Let us offer this decade for conversion. For all those who have wandered away from God; for those who have lost their faith; for those who give their life to the false gods of the world, money, materialism, and pleasure. I, as Mother, love you all. I love you all even when you are far away from me and my Son. I ask you not to allow my heart to weep tears of blood because of the souls who are being lost in sin. Therefore, dear children, pray, pray, pray! 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory Be and the Fatima Prayer All: May the Grace of this Mystery Come down into My (our) soul(s) |
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